Ham Radio and Modern Microcontrollers
Arduino, Picaxe, and Beyond
Pacificon 2013, Santa Clara, CA
The Big Picture
- The DiY world is rapidly expanding its options of small computers
- Faster systems are here now and easier-to-use ones are on the way
- Different systems are suited for different types of projects
- Ham Radio needs to get involved
Open Source Software / Free Software / Open Hardware
- The DiY electronics community is built on these principles.
- These principles and ideals are also part of the ham tradition of promoting the advancement of radio art and science.
- Just as there is a place for commercial ham products, there is also a place for commercial “closed” software
- But just as there is a place for homebrewing, QRP, and construction articles, there is a place for open work
- “Open Source” has roots in ham radio, thanks to Bruce Perens K6BP
Points along the Curve
- Arduino and Picaxe
- Raspberry Pi, and Beaglebone Black
- Linux, Python and Ham Applications
- Next-generation Arduino+Linux products
Points along the Curve: History and Future
Systems vs. Performance
Points along the Curve: History and Future
Systems vs. Ease of Use
I. Picaxe is a Gentle Onramp

I. Picaxe Example Projects
I. Picaxe Keyer (Rich Heinek AC7MA)
- Axekey http://hamradioprojects.com/authors/ac7ma/+axekey
I. Picaxe Beacon (Bill Prats K6ACJ)
- Pharos http://hamradioprojects.com/authors/k6acj/+pharos
I. Picaxe Solar Tracker (Bill Prats K6ACJ)
- Sunflower http://hamradioprojects.com/authors/k6acj/+sunflower
I. Arduino
- Arduino was originally designed for artists, adopted by hackers/makers
- Wikipedia Entry has a good history
I. Arduino Benefits
- Great community support
- libraries and “shields” (boards)

- Many Suppliers: Jameco, Adafruit, Sparkfun, SEEDStudio, eBay, Amazon, Radio Shack …
- Surprising power made affordable and easily accessible
- IDE on Windows, Mac, Linux
- Electronically robust
- hard to “let the smoke out”
- 5V, 3.3V
- Good control at electronics/hardware level
- DAC, ADC present but somewhat weak
- High-level programming language (C++) made easy to use
- Major Disadvantage: Ability to deal with high data rates maxes out early
- audio, video, wired/wireless networking
I. Getting Started with Arduino

- Ham Radio for Arduino and Picaxe includes easy starter projects
- but if you want a gentler introduction try the book Getting Started with Arduino
- Make Magazine is always a good bet
- as is the Maker Faire
- same time as Dayton Hamvention ;-(
- http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021414.do
I. Example Projects: Arduino
I. Example Projects: Arduino (The Web)
- Google Image Search for “arduino ham radio projects” shows a huge wealth of activity
I. Arduino Projects from
Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE
I. Arduino Projects from
Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE
- Airgate: APRS IGate
- QRSS-ATTiny: QRSS Transmitter
- MM-Shield: QRSS and other modes Transmitter Shield
- Thermic: Tube VFO Temperature and Stability Monitor
- Time-Out: HT Talk Timer
- Hermes: APRS Messenger
- Timber: APRS Data Logger
Sweeper: RF Antenna SWR Analyzer
Buddy: Grid Square Annunciator for Microwave Rovers
Cascata: Hand-held Audio Waterfall
Dozen: SSTV Decoder and interface to SSTV Module
Marinus: APRS Map Display
Nanokeyer: CW Keyer
Swamper: 2.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
I. Arduino Project: Marinus, WA5ZNU
- Live APRS MAP display on color LCD panel
- From “Ham Radio for Arduino and Picaxe”
- Good mix of RF, modes, and display technology
- APRS, demodulation done on shield, map processing done on desktop as well
I. Arduino Project: Sweeper
- SWR-based Antenna Analyzer with DDS and character display LCD
- From “Ham Radio for Arduino and Picaxe”
- Focus on minimal coding support to improve an existing RF technology
- DDS used from NJRQP project; small amount of RF engineering (antenna bridge) and easy display
- Leaves open room for more work by builder
- color LCD graph
- Text-To-Speech output for Handi-Hams
- See W6AKB talk Sunday 8:15 AM / Salon D

I. Arduino Project:
Antenna Tuner with Bluetooth to Android Tablet
- Ricardo Carrati PU2CLR
- Antenna Tuner with Bluetooth to Android Tablet
- For Magnetic Loop - remote is an asset.
- Solves a ham RF problem
- Balanced skills combining electro-mechanics, Arduino, Bluetooth, and Android
- See talk Sunday 9:30AM, Portal Room
Watch PU2CLR video on youtube
I. Chipkit: Microchip’s PIC Meets the Arduino
I. Chipkit: Tentec Rebel
- Basis of Tentec Rebel with chipKIT Uno32
- hardware/software open sourced radio
Part II. More Power
- Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black are a huge step up in power
- They run Linux operating system…
- You can run the ham applications that you can run on laptops
- digimode programs, logging, APRS, rotator, propagation, Ham VOIP, Ham Wifi…
- They run easy “scripted” programming languages such as Python, Ruby, Perl, and Lua
- another step up in power
- another step up access to community
II. Raspberry Pi took the world by storm
II. Raspberry Pi Pros
- First inexpensive mass-marketed Linux board (700 MHz ARM11)
- Millions sold, millions unused
- Pros:
- but faster and more RAM than a WRT54G (Linux) router
- Many applications available
- Higher-level languages (Python, Ruby, Lua, Java) all available
- Runs modern web browsers (Chrome/Chromium)
- Add a display and keyboard for a laptop-like experience
II. Raspberry Pi Cons
- Cons:
- speed somtimes too slow to use regular applications
- Cost begins to add up, and performance is limiting
- Electronics/hardware level interfacing quite limited and fussy
II. Raspberry Pi Projects
II. Raspberry Pi SSTV by HA5KDR Club
- This project uses a similar dedicated Raspberry Pi camera, but it produces JPEG files
- This project uses an SSTV-generator in Python
- C language version (faster) in open-source development

- Arduino version of this project in the Ham Radio for Arduino and Picaxe book
- Uses a dedicated SSTV Camera from Argent Data with embedded CPU
- Arduino just for command and control
II. The Two Cultures: DIY and Operating
- With this power comes the danger of the “Two Cultures” divide:
- DIY/QRP/Homebrew (i.e., write your own code)
- Operator (use the work of others)
- As hams we should learn how our tools work and be ready to adapt them
- These new systems offer an open approach
- one that invites experimentation and tinkering
- yet one that is ready to support real-world use
- Key tools:
- Linux
- Python
- Ham Applications
III. Learning Python
- Learn Python to take advantage of the RPi and Beaglebone Black
- General introduction to Python:
III. Learning Python on Raspberry Pi
- Getting Started on the Raspberry Pi covers this topic
IV. The Next-Generation
Combining Arduino+Linux on the same device
IV. Arduino Yún Mesh Networking Project
- Mesh Networking project combining WiFi and point-to-point UHF digital radio
IV. Arduino Tre
Beaglebone Meets the Arduino, with help from TI and BeagleBord.org
IV. Arduino Intel Galileo
Runs Linux and Arduino programs at the same time, on an Intel Pentium-class chip
- Intel SoC Processor
- a 32-bit Intel Pentium-class “System on a Chip”
- 8MByte NOR flash
- Hardware and software pin-compatible with Arduino shields designed for the Uno R3 (Arduino 1.0 pinout.)
- Digital pins, analog pins, etc.
- 3.3v native but settable to 5V boards
- Mini-PCI Express slot, 100Mb Ethernet, Micro-SD, RS-232, USB Host port, USB Client port
- Runs Linux programs and Arduino sketches at the same time
http://arduino.cc/en/ArduinoCertified/IntelGalileo http://www.intel.com/support/galileo/faq.htm
- There are different micro boards for different purposes
- Get involved in the DiY community and adapt their tools and techniques to ham radio – and vice versa
- There are dozens of other products and projects
- Consult this handy chart for the most popular systems in the DiY and Ham communities
555 Replacement |
Electronics Projects |
UI and Speed |
Applications and Linux Programming |
Ditto |
Mix? |
Thank You
- Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE