Ham Radio and Arduino Projects for the HFPacker
Ham Radio and Arduino Projects for the HFPacker
- Leigh Klotz, Jr WA5ZNU
- Editor of forthcoming book ARRL Arduino Ham Cookbook with Bonus Picaxe Projects
It had
- 8-bit CPU
- 32K memory
- Expansion cards
- Lots of Software
- The Arduino is about as powerful as an Apple II computer
- But for $25...
Arduino Peripherals
- Instead of expansion cards the Arduino has shields
- Evil Mad Science Diavolino

Build your own projects
- Software, Modules, and Know-How is available so you can build and customize your own projects
- Fit your needs, not someone else's.
Arduino Advantages: Books
- A wealth of information in books about the Arduino
The ARRL Arduino Ham Cookbook
- Published by the ARRL near year
- 24 chapters of projects
- Each project doable in a weekend
Sweeper: SWR Sweeper for Field Antennas
- Alan W6AKB Sweeper

Cascata: Portable Waterfall
Sunflower: Solar Panel Tracker
Pharos: CW Beacon for the Amazon
Time Out: HT Repeater Timer
- Peter and Keith KJ6PUN/KJ6PUO
Marinus: Portable APRS Map Display
Buddy: Grid Square Annunciator
- On to the projects
- Photo Credits
- Apple II photo from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_II courtesy http://commons.wikimedia.org
- Arduino Uno photo by Arduino.cc
- Project photos from ARRL Arduino Ham Cookbook