Secondary Subdivision |
Country Code |
DXCC Entity |
Number of secondary subdivisions |
Award |
Subdivision List |
Award Sponsor |
Examples |
6 |
4 |
<Two-letter state abbr.> COMMA <county name> |
MA, Middlesex → Massachusetts state, Middlesex county |
110 |
5 |
291 |
3068 |
15 |
2762 (+ 12 deleted) |
<Two-letter Oblast abbr.> DASH <Two-digit district code> |
AB-01 → Aginsky Buryatsky Autonomous Okrug,Aginsky Area |
54 |
61 |
Franz Josef Land |
126 |
151 |
Malyj Vysotski Is |
288 |
761 |
<Two-letter Oblast abbr.> DASH <Two-digit district code> |
CH-01 → Cherkasy Oblast, Prydniprovs'kyi district |
339 |
696 (+ 44 deleted) |
<Two-digit prefecture code> <Two-digit city code> |
0101→ Hokkaido Prefecture, City of Sapporo |
545 (+ 71 deleted) |
<Two-digit prefecture code> <Three-digit gun code> |
01001 → Hokkaido Prefecture, Akan Gun |
137 |
237 (+ 59 deleted) |
<One-letter prefecture code> <Two or three-digit district code> |
A11→ Seoul prefecture, Jongro gu district |
170 |
112 |
<Three-digit county code> |
001→ Mangonui country |