QRV Amsterdam Sunday

It was a bit colder today and there was some rain, but I had a sked to
meet PE1E Peter again at 1200J/1100Z in Museumplein, in Amsterdam.
Peter was a bit late due to bicycle trailer trouble on the way, and as his
trailier had his K2, HLA-300 amplifier, MFJ tuner, and assorted gel cells
large and small, sandwiches, and coffee, it was important!
While waiting for Peter I set up with my KX1 and Buddipole at a park
bench a safe distance away from the US embassy and its guard house and
vertical antennas. While I was setting up, another ham PA3DMI stopped
by and we chatted a bit; the OM told me that 20m was open and that CW was
My first contact was IK2RMZ Martin in Barza, Italy at about 1140Z
on 14.048. Although he was calling "CQ EU TEST," Martin was happy to
ragchew for a few minutes, and we also exchanged FISTS numbers. Martin
gave me a 449. He was running 75W to a 2-el Yagi, and wished me a
pleasant stay in Holland.
Next I worked RN4WA for "599 30" and sent "599 27" at 1155Z on
At this point I was approached by a Finnish national TV crew who were
filming a short segment on Amsterdam, and they asked me a few questions,
and shot some scenes of me using my KX1 and Buddipole, plus a few shots of
the equipment.
As they were walking away, I heard W1MK and got a PA/WA5? out of
him and then SRI. And simultaneously, Peter arrived with his
newly-repaired trailer full of equipment, so after the busted QSO with
W1MK we started to set up Peter's K2 and QRO gear.
While Peter unpacked, I worked YU1AAV Zoki on 14.005 at 1219Z
for my last contact on the KX1.
With Peter's K2 and my Buddipole, we worked SSB, starting on 15m and
moving down to 17m. We had no QSOs until get hit 20m:
- 4O60BH in Montenegro for a RST:5x9 on 14.197 at 0230Z
- U4MIR Alexander in QTH:Moscow for RST:5x6 on 14.184 at 0245Z
- My last contact was M0BNA Garry
who was very chatty from Englnad and had a great signal on 7069.34 LSB
at 0325Z.
In addition to the Finnish national TV crew, we were also visited by a
few curious onlookers:
- A woman who asked if I owned a cell phone with which to call America
- A number of Dutch couples who politely asked questions
- An inquisitive London teen on roller-skates with whom we engaged in
philosophical debate
- Three dogs who choose to mark the plastic bag of BNC jumpers.
- A collection of footballers (soccer players) their and their scout,
with whom we had to negotiate field use
Peter and I parted ways and hope to meet again, either in person or on
the air. And I think he's going to order a Buddipole.
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QRV Amsterdam

This morning I walked along the canals to Rembrandt's house, which is now a
museum, and bought some etchings printed at the museum from
first-generation copies of Rembrandt's original copper etching masters.
Afterwards, I stopped at the cafe In De
Waag for an espresso (which was great) and a salad (which never
arrived); disappointed but running out of time, I headed over to
Manekinpis for vlammes frites instead.
I had arranged to meet Peter PE1E at Museumplein at 1500J for
outdoor operating. I took the tram and met Peter, who was already set up,
and waiting for me to arrive with my Buddipole. I brought my KX1 and Peter
his K2, but unfortunately I forgot my KX1 key, having left it in the
Pelican case I used for travelling. But Peter was well-prepared for SSB,
with his K2, an HLA 300W amplifier, a variety of SLA batteries, and an MFJ
The MFJ tuner was a little balky until we moved the Buddipole further
away; later we noticed the DVM on the battery went up to 15V when
we keyed down, so it must have been RF feedback.
Peter and I each made a few contacts in the "LZ contest" where our part
of the exchange was RST and ITU Zone, which a kindly OM told us was 27.
We made a few contacts on 20M SSB with the Buddipole as an L, and then
moved to 40M dipole.
We warmed ourselves with coffee and chocolate that Peter had kindly
brought, and talked to a few passers-by, including PD3AD, who was
looking forward to an upgrade to get HF privileges, having had some
experience with multi contesting at his local club.
Just about everybody had trouble with my call PA/WA5ZNU/P except for the last contact, who got it on the first call.
After this point we both got too tired and cold, and agreed to meet
again tomorrow at 1200J/1100Z. And I promised to bring my key.
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I just worked
PE1E Peter in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (JO33) on
145.6375 MHz via the
repeater, which is 500mW. Peter is a K2 owner and he and I plan to be QRV
from Museumplein on Saturday at 1500J with K2, KX1, and BuddiPole. No
pictures yet but I hope to post some afterwards.
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I parked at the SF Baylands in Palo Alto, and used my 17m Hamstick on
the car, and the K2 at 10W. I worked
JH1OCC Yuu on QRGh18.153 for a
MYRST:5x2. I sent TXTST:5x7. Yuu is near Tokyo and we spoke in
Japanese briefly as well. 2140Z
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Also at the Baylands parked wih my K2 I worked
DS5USH CW and sent
59 on
18.079 for a MYRST:589, running 7w. Nam will QSL via
bureau. QTH near Daegud. 2255Z
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I parked at the SF Baylands in Palo Alto, and used my 17m Hamstick on
the car, and the K2 at 10W. I worked
JH1OCC Yuu on 18.153 for a
5x2. I sent 5x7. Yuu is near Tokyo and we spoke in
Japanese briefly as well. 2240Z
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I checked the propagation chart and it looked like 18-20MHz was good for
QRA:EM44 so I set up a sked with
N5LK on
18.075 heard him at
1610z, weak but solidly over the noise. He copied me at 10W but was
better at 30W. Beam heading 255-180=75.
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I finally got to work my father
N5LK. It turns out we weren't on
the same frequency before but a tap of the BAND button on the K1 gave a
full readout and we got that straightened out. 0440Z on 7.050 and 0445Z
on 10.110Mhz. On 40m there was QSB and he was up to S9, and gave me a 559. On 30M he said there was no QSB, but his signal was extremely weak (539) though the band was quiet. I had to turn the AF gain way up to hear it. 35W on 40M and 40W on 30M.
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2006 ARRL Field Day Results WA5ZNU

2006 Field Day results (ARRL members only) are in and here's how I fared:
- #1 in 1B1B in Section SCV
- #3 in 1B1B in Pacific Division
- #52 in 1B1B Overall
Unfortunately my soapbox entry with photos on the ARRL site was lost, but here are my weblog entries and press coverage.
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Antenna location from back of house.
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Trustee for WB5DKL 12-22-70 "Skill Center Amateur Radio Club"
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Advanced WA5UBQ 01-18-69
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N5LK EXtra 4-12-71
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N5LK General mis-typed WA5UBA 7-12-68.
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N5LK Novice License 01-19-68 WN5UBQ
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N5LK license plate.
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Me at age 7.
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Mostly I avoided Sweepstakes because of visiting with relatives but
tonight after dinner at Nyla's Cafe we turned the K1 on to 40m and it
was still in full swing. When I heard
K1ZZ OMRST:599 on
I couldn't resist so gave a call. Dave answered me on the first call
with 447 B K1ZZ 62 CT to my 001 Q 69 MS, though he did need a fill on
the 001, hihi. POWER:7W to the 69ft OCF doublet up 25' running
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QRV here with N5LK and x-WN5UOE in Mississippi. It took most of
the day to get the antenna up but we did. We used a 28ft Jackite pole,
tennis ball with pennies, and lots of fishing line, string, and antenna
rope to get the two ends over the lowest pine tree limbs. The North end
is at 30ft and the south end at 25ft, using wire from the Wireman, and
the center probably around 22ft, then to 450 ohm window line about 35ft
to a homebrew K5OOR balun to the K1.
I worked NI6T in on Los Gatos, CA on 40m and he copied me fine,
and he was 599. I then used Skype to listen to my K2 remotely and could
hear the K1 signal 579 at home, and about the same for the K2 at 10
watts, controlled remotely by some rig control software I wrote. I even
had a brief QSO with N5LK via my remote control software to my K2
and his K.1
Tomorrow we will try to do some DF to find the source of a periodic
click-scratch noise that has been repeating every minute or so for
months. My father cut all the power to his house and it was still
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I worked
RZ0AF on
10107 with 35W CW into my SteppIR pointed East/West.
I.e., pretty much 90 degrees the wrong way. There was a strong
echo on the signal. I got (and sent) 599. 0142Z
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