Tuesday, November 30, 2004 Zulu
K2 SSB Scope
Tune 60vppAh 1 to 1Ah 2 to 1Ah 3 to 1Ah 4to1

I hooked my Hameg HM-205-2 scope to a Tee to my 50 ohm duimmy load with a 10:1 60MHz probe and measured the p-p with tune and with various SSB compression ratios.

10ms/cm, 1*10v/cm, power set to 12w. Tune measured 60vpp=21.2v RMS, into 50 ohms is 9 watts. See the images of me saying Ah at various compressions. It showed 1 bar of ALC in all cases. I have to set power below 1w to get any more alc action.

- posted by Leigh @ 18:46 z
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