Saturday, March 06, 2004 Zulu
Photo 04dinkey
This is my FT-817 DinKey, which uses the '817's built-in keyer in the mic RR-45 connector. I ordered it from FSKarasek - KF6HQC. I had trouble figuring out how to get the DinKey into the Mic jack, and how to enable it once it was there, and sent mail after 6PM PST. Fred responded almost immediately!

Here is the info I got from Fred on how it works, with a few of my own additions.

If they DinKey just causes the VFO to move up and down, then MIC KEY is disabled. In the F-directory (push and hold for one second) menu item #36 is Mic key. this needs to be in the on position. Then in the regular quick-push F-button, BK in must be turned on and KYR must be on. (BK can be turned off to use the FT-817 as a code practice oscillator). Finally, uou must be in CW or CWR mode and with the VFO set to a ham band, even for CPO operation.

If the FT-817 starts sending dahs continuously as soon as you turn on KYR, then your straight key is plugged in and the shorting bar is on.

If the key is sending dits and dahs opposite from what you like then F-directory menu item #19 which is CW PADDLE can be switched to reversed or normal to suit your taste.

To install, the key does press in a bit on the hard side but is necessary to prevent the side to side movement which could damage the rj-45 socket or the key.

The sending speed and CW weight are menu item #21 and #22.

- posted by Leigh @ 02:55 z
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