Tuesday, August 24, 2004 Zulu
QRA, Grid Square, Distance between Latitude and Longitude, etc.

;;; Routines to calculate 
;;; - Maidenhead Grid Square (QRA, IARU Grid Square) from latitude and longitude
;;; - Latitude and longitude from QRA
;;; - Great Circle distance from grid square to grid square
;;; - Bearing from Grid Square to Grid Square
;;; Leigh L. Klotz, Jr. WA5ZNU 
;;; Assembled from various places -- see comments.

;;; Examples
;;; (qra 37.428833 -122.114667) 
;;; This gives CM87wk which is correct
; (latlon "CM87wk")
; Gives 37.4375 -122.125
; (latlon "CM87wk")

; (haversine-great-circle-distance-miles (latlon "CM87wk") (latlon "QN16ix")) ; 4605 miles
; (haversine-great-circle-distance-miles (latlon "CM87wk") (latlon "JN62vu")) ; 6232 miles

(defun qra-dist (x  y)
  (haversine-great-circle-distance-miles (latlon y) (latlon x)))

(defun latlon-dist (lat lon)
  (haversine-great-circle-distance-miles (latlon "CM87wk") (list lat lon)))

;; Note: All calculations in degrees
;; lo = longitude + 180 (offset origin to -180degrees longitude,)
;; La = latitude + 90 (-90 degrees latitude.)

;; C1 = ASCII CHAR ('IP(lo/20)+65')
;; C2 = ASCII CHAR ('IP(la/10)+65')
;; C3 = ASCII CHAR ('IP(FP(lo/20)*10)+48')    
;; C4 = ASCII CHAR ('IP(FP(la/10)*10)+48')
;; C5 = ASCII CHAR ('IP(FP(lo/2)*24)+65')
;; C6 = ASCII CHAR ('IP(FP(la)*24)+65')
;; QRA Locator = String C1+C2+C3+C4+C5+C6

(defun qra (latitude longitude) 
  (setq longitude (+ longitude 180.0))
  (setq latitude (+ latitude 90.0))
   (+ ?A (floor longitude 20.0))
   (+ ?A (floor latitude 10.0))
   (+ ?0 (floor (* 10 (- (/ longitude 20.0) (floor longitude 20.0)))))
   (+ ?0 (floor (* 10 (- (/ latitude 10.0) (floor latitude 10.0)))))
   (+ 32 ?A (floor (* 24 (- (/ longitude 2.0) (floor longitude 2.0)))))
   (+ 32 ?A (floor (* 24 (- latitude (floor latitude)))))))

(defun latlon (qra) 
  (let ((c1 (upcase (aref qra 0)))
 (c2 (upcase (aref qra 1)))
 (c3 (aref qra 2))
 (c4 (aref qra 3))
 (c5 (if (> (length qra) 4) (upcase (aref qra 4)) 0))
 (c6 (if (> (length qra) 5) (upcase (aref qra 5)) 0)))
     ;; Latitude
     (- (+ (* (- c2 ?A) 10.0)
    (* (- c4 ?0) 1.0)
    (/ (+ 0.5 (- c6 ?A)) 24.0))
     ;; Longitude
     (- (+ (* (- c1 ?A) 20.0)
    (* (- c3 ?0) 2.0)
    (/ (+ 0.5 (- c5 ?A)) 12.0)) 180))))

;;; Great Circle distance and bearing based on Haversine formula 
;; (from R.W. Sinnott, "Virtues of the Haversine", Sky and Telescope, vol. 68, no. 2, 1984, p. 159): 
;; as described by N9SSA in
;;; http://www.qsl.net/n9ssa/mpwnotes.html

(defun haversine-great-circle-distance-km (latlon1 latlon2)
  (let* ((k (/ 180.0 pi))
  (lat1r (/ (car latlon1) k))
  (lon1r (/ (cadr latlon1) k))
  (lat2r (/ (car latlon2) k))
  (lon2r (/ (cadr latlon2) k))
  (R 6367000.0)
  (dlonr (- lon2r lon1r))
  (dlatr (- lat2r lat1r))
  (a (+ (* (sin (/ dlatr 2.0)) (sin (/ dlatr 2.0)))
        (* (cos lat1r) (cos lat2r) (sin (/ dlonr 2.0)) (sin (/ dlonr 2.0)))))
  (c (* 2 (atan2 (sqrt a) (sqrt (- 1.0 a)))))
  (d (* R c)))
    (/ d 1000.0)))

(defun haversine-great-circle-distance-miles (latlon1 latlon2)
  (* (haversine-great-circle-distance-km latlon1 latlon2) 0.621371192))

(defun atan2 (y x)
  (if (or (= x 0) (= y 0))
      (if (>= y 0.0)
   (/ pi 2.0)
 (- (/ pi 2.0)))
    (if (< x 0.0) 
 (if (>= y 0.0)
     (- pi (atan (- (/ y x))))
   (+ (- pi) (atan (/ y x))))
      (if (> y 0)
   (atan(/ y x))
 (- (atan (- (/ y x))))))))

- posted by Leigh @ 03:03 z
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